Back Story
- A high school student who actively seeks new ways to improve her study skills.
- Struggles to manage hobbies and her studies in a balanced manner.
- She enjoys using digital notetaking apps such as Goodnotes 5 and Onenote.
- Finds that stress increases when she is unable to meet with academic demands.
- Wants to eliminate her academic stress and improve as a student.
- Desires to explore new study habits/locations.
- Reflects on her study goals to help stay motivated/disciplined for her future.
- Her goal is to achieve a 3.5 or higher GPA.
- Does not like to study in loud locations.
- Finds it overwhelming to balance her studies and coursework/studies.
- Dislikes study apps that are too cluttered and hard to use.
- Becomes easily distracted by noises and interruptions.
Ideal Experience
- Prefers a tool that provides a quiet, comforting, and calm vibe to help focus on her studies.
- Wants a tool that enhances focus on studying.
- A platform that can keep track of her study progress and celebrates achievements.
- Appreciates a platform that organizes her tasks into manageable portions.
"“I get distracted easily by noise. A calming study tool would really boost my focus!”"